IoT as Service Research Group

IoT as a Service Research Group belongs to the College of Computing and Software Engineering at Kennesaw State University lead by Dr. Maria Valero. The group is focused on applications, technologies, and services in IoT for security and healthcare, cyber-physical systems, services for decentralized computing, services for data-sharing, and sensor networks. Our projects cover a broad spectrum of IoT and service applications such as non-invasive sensors for vital signs estimation, sensors for security applications, microservices for portability of applications, models for decentralized and in-situ computing, privacy applications on sensor networks, and more.


IoT as a service, IoT for security and healthcare, microservices for sensor decentralized computing and sensor networks. Security and privacy


Visit our page with video demonstrations of IoT devices for health estimation, underground imaging, and multiple tutorials for students


Join our research group. We often publish GRA positions.